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Carolina Premium Outlets

Smithfield, NC
(919) 989-8757
1025 Outlet Center Drive, 27577
Nearby Cities: 
30 minutes east of Raleigh
Stores : 
This mall has 68 outlet stores
Regular Hours: 
11:00 am-7:00 pm
Mon - Sat:
10:00 am-9:00 pm

About Us

Welcome to Carolina Premium Outlets®, Eastern North Carolina's premier shopping destination. You'll find more of what you're looking for with over 80 stores, serving the communities of Johnston County, its surrounding counties from the Triangle to the Coast, as well as cities in South Carolina and Virginia. The Center features upscale outlet stores including Adidas, Carolina Pottery, Coach, Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren, Reebok, Tommy Hilfiger, Under Armour, and many more. Carolina Premium Outlets, an easy to navigate, outdoor shopping experience, has quick dining options including Auntie Anne's Soft Pretzels and Dairy Queen Grill & Chill. We are conveniently located at exit 95 off I-95 in Smithfield, NC.

Store Directory

* Retailers can change frequently. Please check directly with the mall for a current list of retailers before your visit.

Outlet Stores

(919) 209-9763
(919) 989-0154
(919) 989-7270
(919) 934-1946
(919) 989-1893
(919) 934-7759
(919) 989-6830
(919) 989-7778
(919) 989-7751
(919) 989-0199
(919) 209-0408
(919) 989-6966
(919) 934-0615
(919) 934-9089
(919) 209-0035
(919) 934-0073
(919) 934-0334
(919) 989-8181
(919) 989-8570
(919) 938-6134
(919) 934-7158
(919) 989-7158
(919) 934-2373
(919) 989-6244
(919) 934-0548
(919) 209-0032
(919) 209-0035
(919) 989-7676
(919) 934-5040
(919) 209-0840
(919) 938-2444
(919) 938-0726
(919) 300-4249
(919) 934-7203
(919) 209-0230
(919) 934-6170
(919) 934-5070
(919) 934-5070
(919) 209-0478
(919) 989-6100
(919) 938-1199
(919) 934-6660
(919) 934-5619
(919) 205-1405
(919) 934-4222
(919) 989-7736
(919) 209-0767
(919) 989-9506
(919) 989-2133
(919) 989-8080
(919) 209-0190
(919) 934-4300
(919) 989-1940
(919) 209-0466
(919) 934-6354
(919) 989-9599
(919) 938-1188

Food & Restaurants

Auntie Anne’s Pretzels
(919) 209-0096
Dairy Queen Grill & Chill
(919) 934-0066
35.510758500000, -78.312294600000

Map & Driving Directions