Calexico, CA
(760) 768-9002
888 West 2nd Street, 92231
Nearby Cities:
In Imperial County - on the border, north of Mexicali
Stores :
This mall has 42 outlet
Regular Hours:
10:00 am-7:00 pm
Mon - Sat: 10:00 am-9:00 pm
Store Directory
* Retailers can change frequently. Please check directly with the mall for a current list of retailers before your visit.
Outlet Stores
(760) 357-0291
(760) 768-9371
(760) 768-8353
(760) 357-0674
(760) 890-3240
(760) 357-0744
(760) 768-9245
(760) 768-8532
(760) 868-2983
(760) 890-3245
(760) 357-3499
(760) 768-2023
(760) 768-2948
(760) 768-9261
(760) 357-0936
(760) 768-9837
(760) 768-3020
(760) 768-0053
(760) 618-7080
(760) 768-9874
(760) 768-8420
(760) 890-3250
(760) 357-0744
(760) 357-5000
(760) 768-8501
(760) 768-8494
(760) 768-2917
(760) 768-2251
(760) 768-8929
(760) 357-3572
(760) 768-0029
(760) 618-7089
(760) 768-2253
(760) 768-8643
Other Retailers
H & M
Food & Restaurants
Auntie Anne's/Cinnabon
Food Bazaar
32.665325200000, -115.508154100000