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Lake Buena Vista Factory Stores

Orlando, FL
(407) 238-9301
15657 S Apopka Vineland Rd (SR 535), 32821
Nearby Cities: 
20 minutes south of Orlando, 10 minutes southeast of Disney
Stores : 
This mall has 39 outlet stores
Regular Hours: 
10:00 am-7:00 pm
Mon - Sat:
10:00 am-9:00 pm

Store Directory

* Retailers can change frequently. Please check directly with the mall for a current list of retailers before your visit.

Outlet Stores

(407) 465-8636
(407) 239-7111
(407) 239-4022
(407) 477-0052
(407) 465-1525
(407) 238-1183
(407) 465-8621
(321) 329-3137
(407) 238-2375
(407) 239-0010
(407) 239-4343
(407) 787-3308
(321) 677-0239
(407) 238-4792
(407) 477-0463
(407) 238-0493
(407) 239-6252
(407) 238-1214
(407) 238-7295
(407) 239-7731
(407) 239-4434
(407) 465-1390
(407) 238-2042
(407) 238-0142
(407) 238-7474
(407) 787-3667
(407) 238-2025
(407) 239-3605
(407) 239-6500
(407) 239-0320
(407) 465-1400
28.388726200000, -81.477329400000

Map & Driving Directions