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The Outlet Shoppes of the Bluegrass

Simpsonville, KY
(502) 722-5558
1155 Buck Creek Road, 40067
Nearby Cities: 
30 minutes east of Louisville
Stores : 
This mall has 0 outlet stores
Regular Hours: 
10:00 am-7:00 pm
Mon - Sat:
10:00 am-9:00 pm

Store Directory

* Retailers can change frequently. Please check directly with the mall for a current list of retailers before your visit.

Outlet Stores

(502) 722-8170
(502) 722-8299
(502) 722-5390
(502) 722-8257
(502) 405-2066
(502) 390-1704
(502) 722-5217
(502) 722-8046
(502) 722-3180
(502) 405-2001
(502) 722-5144
(502) 722-8621
(502) 722-8539
(502) 722-6673
(502) 722-8248
(502) 722-8378
(502) 722-5889
(502) 722-8579
(502) 405-2048
(502) 722-5397
(502) 410-5424
(502) 722-8712
(502) 205-0080
(502) 722-5828
(502) 722-3175
(502) 722-8533
(502) 722-5173
(502) 722-5202
(855) 466-7467
(502) 722-8415
(502) 722-8147
(502) 722-3616
(502) 722-8564
(502) 722-8353
(502) 722-6664
(502) 722-5785
(502) 722-8680
(502) 722-8729
(502) 722-5323
(502) 722-5608
(502) 405-1113
(502) 722-5272
(502) 722-3109
(502) 722-3613
(502) 722-5652
(502) 722-8117
(502) 722-5194
(502) 722-5952
(502) 722-8192
(502) 722-5776
(502) 722-8294
(502) 722-3745
(502) 722-8046
(502) 722-8354
(502) 722-5154
(502) 722-3799
(502) 722-6883
(502) 722-5929
(502) 205-8003
(502) 722-5256
(502) 722-8387
(502) 722-5277
(502) 722-8685
(502) 722-8654
(502) 722-5681
(502) 722-6890
(502) 722-8275
(502) 722-3110
(502) 722-5623
38.206100200000, -85.351504200000

Map & Driving Directions