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The Outlet Shoppes at Burlington

Burlington, WA
(360) 757-3548
448 Fashion Way, 98233
Nearby Cities: 
1 hour north of Seattle, 90 minutes south of Vancouver, Canada
Stores : 
This mall has 27 outlet stores
Regular Hours: 
10:00 am-7:00 pm
Mon - Sat:
9:30 am-8:30 pm

Store Directory

* Retailers can change frequently. Please check directly with the mall for a current list of retailers before your visit.

Outlet Stores

(360) 757-0916
(360) 707-2967
(360) 873-8587
(360) 757-7099
(360) 707-0334
(360) 757-7955
(360) 488-4013
(360) 757-7128
(360) 757-4431
(360) 707-0345
(360) 707-2750

Other Retailers

(360) 707-0901
Vitamin World
(360) 757-4245

Food & Restaurants

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
(360) 757-2577
48.456671000000, -122.339141000000

Map & Driving Directions